14 December 2012

Mark Making

Cypresses, 1889
Pen and reed pen and brown inks, with graphite, on buff wove paper, laid down on card, 625 x 464 mm

Cy Twombly: Cycles and Seasons was 'near perfect' Photo: CY TWOMBLY (More of his work)source
I understand mark making for experimenting and working out your style of drawing but not for fine art.

Lucio Fontana 
Concetto spaziale, New York 2, 1962
37 3/16 x 22 7/16 inches
94.5 x 57 cm
Crispolti 62 ME 7, Vol. II, p. 410
SW 02195
Private Collection

Pennsylvania Trees (Work Book 21, pages 1, 4, 6, 11) (in 4 parts)
ink on paper

Height 11 in.; Width 8.7 in. / Height 27.9 cm.; Width 22.2 cm.

Looking at different artists mark making they all have there own way of doing it. Here are my examples of  mark making and trying to copy someone else.

If you look at my mark making it is different than theirs. My marks are quite messy and scribbley. 

Doing this has helped me realise that I can create fabric textures with pencils. The fifth one could be chain mail the 16th could be animal hair and the 20th could be shading of silk with curves and detail.

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