2 December 2012

Red Panda Fur and Tail

To make the tail I decided to experiment with net again but add another fabric in.

Started sewing a few together at a time. 

Strung them altogether and created this. 

If I added more and had blocks of colour instead of it changing every two have it changing every 10.

I think this would be perfect as a tail for a Red Panda, it has the right texture, price and simplicity for this kind of show.

Red Panda fur is quite whispy and a bit wiry. Thinking back to the other net sampling and the ruff making in workshop week I did and the one that looked like sheep I thought this technique might work.

I cut out layers of net and then sewed them in a line down a piece of calico.

I repeated this technique and added more strips close to the one before.

I really think this has worked well, it looks like the fur. It just need to be packed together well.

Back of calico.

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