2 June 2013

3rd Year Degree Show 2013

This week I helped as a techy for the show. It was brilliant having the pressure of a show again. Been nearly nearly a year since helped with the show in a week of 'Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies'. 

Wednesday -
Found a dress bag for someone in my class.
Found a black parasol incase she didn't get hers done.

Spray painted the brolly black.Made sure the armadillo was with the actor for rehearsal of Ark of the Animals
Helped someone with a polonaise for their mourning dress.
Help arrange seating and helped work out the best layout of chairs
Helped set up dressing room.
Go back to uni to make a piece of the elephant and cover the unicorns legs in fabric.

Thursday -
Got a running order and worked out what was going off in the show
Photocopied hand written easier to understand running order
Cut rostrum blacks
Pinned black fabric to boards 
Cut buttons out
Spray mounted button holes
First half tech rehearsal
Got stuff out of the van
Covered onstage pillars in calico 
Went home and made a bigger running order on word. Printed it out.

Friday Show Day! - Photocopied running order to A3 
Made some more wall paper pretty buttons
Went to pick up photocopies
Next half tech rehearsal. Which included making sure everyone was on the stairs and backstage at the right time and not being too loud
Wrote notes for backstage issues
Got stuff out of the van
Part dress rehearsal first half a bit hectic then calmed down second half
Full dress dress rehearsal 
Stuck velcro to buttons
Said where position buttons on wall
Put buttons on pillars 
Ran around getting people
Was the back end of a rhino, not the first time bring the back end of an animal on stage. Back end of a cow called Daisy 
Went backstage for the real thing
During the show carried some animals back to the van
Fetched pins to fix some netting on a dress that had ripped and needed quickly fixing
Got people in the right position back stage
Spoke to sound techy about an interval announcement 
Made sure a model had jewellery that had been been used earlier in the show by another model so found that
Tried to keep noise levels down 
After the show made sure people in mourning had mourning biscuits
Took down decoration on stage down 
Cleared tables in dressing room and put them in bar
Moved chairs in dressing room 
Moved everything in the world to the van

The show went amazingly and everyone thought it was brilliant. The Deputy Mayoress was amazed because she hadn't known about the course.  

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