24 November 2012

Working out how to make an Armadillo Back

I have been searching online for 3D shape of an Armadillo I could cut out and make to get my head around the shape and how it could work. I first found this (above) on Google SketchUp. I thought I might be able to print it out and work out how I could make it 3D but that didn't work so I started looking around at paper cutting and folding. I first found this cutout but it wasn't suitable as I don't even think it looks like an armadillo. It doesn't show the curves and the humps look more like a camels.

Give it ago here


Make this animal and here are the instructions.

After looking at that one I tried again and found this (above) I cut out the back of the animal and made this. I realised I needed to find a way of getting the animal to curl up in a ball.

While I have been searching around I have found this. Wonder if I can make a prototype from it.

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