24 November 2012

Armadillo Prototype

I found this cutout and altered it to make it into a 3D model.

I decided plastic bottles would be the best material as it is cheap and easy to get hold of. 

Making sure I saved time and plastic with placing them like this.

I added 4cm to each side of the strips.

They bent in the wrong place so I had to find a way of making them lay the right way and decided wire.

They came out as this shape.

I stuck tape to the bottom of of each one to keep it in shape but realised later that I didn't need to do that.

I added wire in strips across each piece to make it pliable and the right shape.

I used a hole punch and used string to tie them together. I then cut out the head and drew around it to make it the right shape. I am really happy with it and for the final one adding strips of fabric would work best.

The prototype has worked as I wanted to but I was going to have a more complex 'rolling up device' with it rolling up by pulling a string connected to each end and pulling it together but making this I have realised I don't need anything like this. Just by attaching string to the middle of the creature and pulling it up. Next I need to work out a way of making it move. I don't know whether it should be pulled along or pushed along. I think it will be pushed along on wheels, that are small and hidden on the legs and then the handle will be stiff like one of these. 

I will just need to add wheels and I think make the pieces lay better.

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