16 December 2012

Life Drawing

At the beginning of this life drawing session I started with just drawing line gestures of the module and trying to just capture her pose with adding to much detail. I think this was really good as a first exercise to get into drawing. 

This is suggested in Tan Huaixiang's Character Costume Figure Drawing: Step-by-Step Drawing Methods for Theatre Costume Designer. It has really helped me understand drawing people. My summer project started with drawing people like this but felt I didn't have the confidence to draw that yet. 

This was a drawing I did without drawing the lines before. I like this drawing it is pretty much in proportion and has good shading. 

In the afternoon the model was first dressed in this. It is an amazing costume but it was a bit difficult to draw. 

I thought it was best to colour this but make it look quite scratchy.

After changing the costume I tried to work out how to make it look like a shiny fabric. The top bit worked sort of, think I need more practice at this.

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