20 October 2012

Sampling with Net

Here is piled up net and curved, look most like sheep wool. This would be very time consuming and doesn't look that like sheep skin.

The other side of that I have cut it to look like feathers. I don't think it has worked to well. The ends need shaping more.

Here is a close up of the above sample.

This is PVC fabric cut into feather shapes. I like this effect for a Macaw's tail but would need some sort of support.

It scrunched up together.

This a is foam packing material and didn't really look like anything maybe adding net could create something that looks like sheep skin.

Here I was trying to create an armadillo shell. The bottom of the example looked better I think. I'm going to try some more of these and see how I can get more of a shell.

A macaw tail example. I really like the simpleness of this.

A fur example, with colour this could be a fur for a llama or a red panda and maybe even a sheep.

Below is examples that didn't really work out.

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