6 January 2012

More hats!

This is a link to a Top hat pattern. I will be either using a top hat on top of the Fourth Plinth or a bowler hat because when you think of traditional hats you think of those types of hats.
The Building Committee of Kenesseth Israel celebrating the completion of their synagogue on 6th and Lyndale in 1913. Rabbi Silber is in the front, middle.

Two young men in suits, with walking sticks and bowler hats - early 20th Century

I forgot about the flat cap which are also quite traditional. 
Forfar - Victoria Pub Bowling Green, c 1900


I am going to look at what these type of hats mean and who wore them. This will be in the next post.

I have found where I can buy hat block shapers like in the video in one of my last posts. They are sold at GeorgeWeil.com but are about £36. I am going to look at other ways of doing this technique by making my own hat block some how.

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