3 October 2013

Paris Fashions 30/9/13

Day 2

This evening just did another read through as the lead role had made the decision he could not carry on with the show. This was useful as I  understood the show more and I read Aphrodite's part, she wasn't available. From this I learnt I might have to do this again. Steven also went through how to write blocking on the script.

Day 3

A new lead is sorted and I will meet him on Thursday. Tonight Scene 11 was gone through with Helen and I blocked this. It was suggested to do it in pencil in case of any mistakes so I will take this on board. Also as the first lead had gone the rehearsals have changed so this was sorted out and told to the other actors.

Day 4

Met the new lead tonight. He looks perfect for the part. Re-blocked scene the previous scenes Paris is in and got measurements for Helen and Paris. Thought it would be useful for the costume designers. Also tonight spoke to the other DSM and made a schedule of the rehearsals I will be at and the ones she will be at. As the dates are so far apart me and Becca are staying in contact over Facebook about any issues that arise.

Monday 7th October 
Tuesday 8th
Thursday 17th
Monday 21st
Tuesday 22nd
Thursday 31st
Monday 4th November
Tuesday 5th 

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