12 September 2013

Fear Thyself Brief

Initial research for this project was looking into my fears. From this a lot were about Consumption. The 4 themes from this, for 8 costume designs, are:

  • Addiction (Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs)
  • Money/Materialism
  • Environment (Petrol/Gas)
  • Food/Obesity
Initial Plan:

Look at one extreme and the other
My bad food list.
Super Size Me. You know that guy that ate McDonalds for a month.

Fad Diets
Fine Artists that work with this

This is scary. I read a post on Facebook that on the 20th August this year we used up the natural resources that should have lasted us all year. 
Petrol/gas consumption on a day to day basis.
Fine Artists that work with this.

People having stuff, have an addiction to getting and keeping stuff.
This people that are so greedy they will stop at nothing to make money. (Bankers, Oil guys, part of the government.
Fine Artists that work with this

Addiction (Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs)
Booze culture
The slight line against alcoholics and drinking a bit too much
Fine Artists that work with this.
Legal highs.
Them electric cigarette things.

So from this I will look at Environment (Petrol/Gas) and Food/Obesity first. These need to be sorted by next Wednesday then start design boards. 2 designs for each one.

Then look at Addiction (Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs) and Money/Materialism the weeks after. Also test textile techniques and incorporate through designs.

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