7 May 2013

Inga Priedite - ZIB Textile

Why do you do what you do?

We do what we know best – we love textile and art. We studied at the Art Academy of Latvia Department of Textile Art MA programme. It is an enormous joy to put to use the knowledge and skills we have gained. Each day is another lesson of success and failure and we are proud of even the smallest accomplishments and growth. This is the main attraction of creative work – unceasing evolution and infinite possibilities. There are no limitations, we work according to the day’s feel and our own preferences and tomorrow always brings something new and interesting. It could be said that we like the production process itself – the execution way more than planning.

We are up to our ears in this work – literally – quite often it’s only when you’re already home from workshop, when you notice your cheek or ear is a pretty mint green now. The creative process has so organically blended with the daily life, it’s impossible to discern between work and leisure. Right now the production process is daily life and the photo shoots are the holidays. Then we can go wild and have fun – the models are our close friends. 

ZIB in Latvian means ‘to flash’ and that describes us quite well, we are expressive, impulsive and unpredictable. That reflects in our creation too, you never know what new design is going to be born tomorrow. Creation, though, is only part of the process; there is also presentation – including the photo shoots, which are insanely fun. 

We believe that we are creating something new and unique and are delighted when people appreciate and feel our work. We handpick our materials and use colours we love. We do love what we are doing.

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