28 December 2012

Illustration Write Up

1.    From the work submitted for assessment which piece /pieces of work are you most pleased with and why?

I am most pleased with the mark making experimenting. I have decided this one because it is the most interesting working out what my style of drawing is and how everybody’s style is different. I also like it because you cannot go wrong with it so I am more confident doing this. With this technique I can experiment with finding ways of pencil marks to look like different fabric. Another piece of work I am please with is the finding the colour for the character task. It was good working out what my perceptions of colour and character. I like the more personal tasks we get that can’t be wrong because I have thought of them and it is instinctive.

2.    What techniques have you used which you have found to be successful within your work?

The techniques I have used within this are using pencils for the drawing and then adding coloured pencils on some of my illustrations. This technique didn’t really work to well to create shading. The technique I felt that worked best was using a fine liner pen to do mark making, it left a more accurate mark than the pencil I used later on the sheet. If I had time to go back over the project I would use paint, free machining and felting. These are techniques I have used in the past and would have been good to look at again.

3.     Identify an illustrator or an artist who you feel influences your style of work and briefly explain why?

I have looked back at few artists through this project but choosing one it would have to be Quentin Blake, I have used his work in a couple of my projects now I think that his scratchy and very messy but neat at the same time style is similar to mine.

4.    What areas for development can you identify and what are you going to do to address any issues raised?

Areas for development within my illustration work are gaining better drawing skills by becoming more
confident. Also I need to look at more artists to influence my work. I try to look and absorb as many artists and illustration as I can but need to do more of this and comment on them. Issues I have had doing this project is not being here at the beginning of project, I missed some of the sessions but I think I have done well catching up. Also I should have taken more pictures and annotated as I went along instead of doing it all in a week. I also so have looked at more techniques for this project. 

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