11 May 2012

Experimenting with 'body socks' for Making Mr Fox Costume

I was going to buy a body sock for this experiment but they are quite expensive and it isn't worth it for an experiment.
The first half is Brusho Dyes and I batiked the outline first. This technique didn't go very because the colour kept running into the wrong sections and I think it looked quite dull.
The machine embriodery took a day and a half. Its looks quite effective but I don't think it works. I like the scattered effect but this is too much.

The left leg is felting, the whole effect couldn't really be shown without doing the whole of something but this small example looks okay, the black outlines are not thin enough and I don't feel it is the right burgendy colour.
The right leg is woven with different off cuts of fabric and looks really bad with the white parts showing.
 This experiment didn't really work as well as I wanted to but I now know I can use the machine embroidery for soemthing because that looks best

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