30 May 2012

The Fox Mask

This is the finished fox mask but comparing it to a picture of a real fox the ears are too close together and the eyebrows don't look right. The mouth on the mask is too small and not really visible.

A foxes mouth is more square than on my mask, more like a dog. The ears of the fox are pointy but have a rounded look to them. The ears on my fox are floppy and make it look more like a pig.

I'm quite surprised this is the shape of a foxes skull, it looks quite like a dinosaur skull and the nose is quite square.

I made the mask with a long nose to make it look like Quentin Blake's drawing. Looking at the drawing again the nose isn't a thin as I thought it was. The eyes are quite big but he still has a sly looking face. I think if I add eyebrows to the next mask it would look more fox like but still have the feel of Quentin Blake's style.
Next I'm going to make small maquets of the mask and see how I can alter it and make it better. I will latex them to see how the ears stand and try effects with fur on them.  
I have spoke to Jon and I'm going to make another mask because this one isn't working.

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