22 February 2012

Big Brother Definition

big brother
the head of a totalitarian regime that keeps its citizens under close surveillance.
the aggregate of officials and policy makers of a powerful and pervasive state.
totalitarianadjective of or pertaining to a centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercises dictatorial control over many aspects of life.
exercising control over the freedom, will, or thought of others; authoritarian; autocratic.
This is my research blog for my mock Final Major project, I am completing for my art and design foundation course.
I am looking at films and books about the future and where the world has a totalitarian regime. I got this idea from reading the series of books by Gemma Malley; ‘The Declaration’, ‘The Resistance’ and ‘The Legacy’. These books are about a world where 'Legal' people take drugs called Longevity. If you take Longevity you live forever but the catch is you cannot have children. If you do have a child the 'Catchers' will take it to a Surplus Hall and they will live there until they are 15 and have learnt to be Useful. When they leave they will become house maids and handymen. I have explained more in my blog.
I am also going to look at touring theatres and streets theatres. I want to see how I can create a set and costume for this sort of set.

I did put this on a separate blog but I think it makes more sense to have one blog because if I want to use some research I have already put on this blog there would be no point. So it is all staying on here but I am going to change what my blog looks like add a bit off colour and change the logo.

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