30 January 2014



So after seeing the costume on someone and I'm not happy with it. It wasn't ready. The zip broke just before so I am going to replace that with a big thick zip.

Changes to be made.

  1. Put a zip in the hood. (It was difficult to get on and could be fitted better.)
  2. Put a new zip in the back. 
  3. Make the neck join the other half by adding a few pieces. (I could leave it separate but I reckon it will look better.  
  4. Cover seams with latex thickener and let that dry.
  5. Add more latex, pigment and thickener on top to costume.
  6. Cover zips in latex mixture to be hidden and put cling film in between to protect. 
  7. Find a way of making sure it doesn't show?
  • Placing tiny plastic poppers in side latex while half dry
  • Sew tiny poppers in
  • Keep latex clean and it may stick on its on.
  • Not covering zips at all and using another type of fastening but it needs to be consistent and strong.
I was talking to a friends grandson yesterday, he thought it was a brilliant idea, with the environmental awareness part and wants to see it complete. He has encouraged me to get on with it and make it look awesome.

I was looking on Facebook and found this. The costume needs to be built up and have more texture. I am going to try adding tissue to latex. I don't want such big crevices but the effects round the side of the 'wound' look good.

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