16 November 2011

Notes from reading: Grayson Perry: The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman

‘The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman could be another name for the British Museum’.
Grayson Perry
First visited BM ages 6, recently father left.
Went to see Egyptian boats.
45 years later has a boat as the main part.
Exhibition tells the story of first visit. To show that it is a part of artwork itself and has several themes.



God/ Bear/Religion

Unknown Craftmans

Germany (Bike)

Doesn’t want people to take photos in the exhibition so people look at things through there own eyes.
One of the main themes of the exhibition is find himself in BM. He means looking at the objects made long ago by fellow men and woman with similar human concerns.
He thought why not make the works he is inspired to create and find objects that respond to them somewhere in its endless storerooms there must be objects that echo my concerns and styles. Wondered what will happen if he reversed the process.

My Notes
The book told me a lot more the exhibition and his thoughts about it than the exhibition itself. I didn't understand the exhibition or appreciate it  until after. Which sort of contradicting to say he didn't want people to photos of the exhibition but you can't really know what it is about until after and you would look at the pictures after. 
I think the exhibition didn't say much so you wanted to find out more after which was either by buying this book or by watching the documentary that was on BBC one a few weeks ago and is on BBC iPlayer for a few weeks but that is it.

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