5 October 2011

Theatre Design Experience

I helped out with three productions at school. When I was in year nine (2007) I helped out with Grease. I didn't do very much on this because a lot of people were working on it but after doing this I knew I wanted to help out backstage on more productions.

I helped with my schools next production Busgy Malone, this was in 2008 and I enjoyed this more because I also helped backstage on the night. Also the team working on the set was a lot smaller and had quite a few good props to make like the Splurge Guns.

The final theatre production I helped out with was Disco Inferno, this has quite a boring set but it wasn't so much about that it was the experience. The team was even smaller this time, it was me and one other student and my teacher.

Last year I was a runner for a small film called 'Hey! Come on out'. I was with a charity called Streetwise
They work with people that are or have been homeless move on with there life with opera and performing. I was helping with a project called fables where they were making four films in four weeks based on fables. The location for the film was Welbeck Abbey which is not open to the public and I found out a lot about the history of the past duke that had tunnels built underground for him to get around Worksop because he had a facial disfigurement. The film was set in a long conservatory type building and the set totally transformed it. A few months after filming I went to see the finished four film in a cinema in Nottingham called Broadway. I even got my name in the credits.

Here is a trailer video off all four fables. I helped with the last one.

I have started volunteering at a local theatre, which is really exciting, last week I helped paint the set for the production Brassed Off and tomorrow I am going to help out backstage. I can't wait to be honest.

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