7 October 2011

Notes about Regina Benson Research

Regina's batik pieces look a lot more interesting than other artists styles I have seen. I love the earthy colours that come into her work, with the technique. She uses a different materials from the traditional batiking method.

mark-making on silk, rayon, cotton and industrial polyesters. Her work frequently starts with a solid black cloth, from which she discharges the dye, utilizing soy wax and starch
paste resists; then she overdyes with natural, disperse and acid dyes and rusts the surface further with found objects and harvested iron oxide.  These markings are then over sewn,
painted, burned and subjected to numerous processes to complete her artistic vision.

 I think it is interesting how she likes to make the art big because when I think of batiking I think of small pieces because of the time it takes and I have only done small samples, I want to try bigger and better pieces.

Regina Benson Research

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