30 March 2012

Christian Tagliavini's Cardboard Ladies Costumes

These are really simple but incredible. I found these using StumbleUpon website which you choose categories you like and press the Stumble button and different sites pop up that you will love. 

Cardboard Ladies

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Dame di Cartone, Cardboard Ladies, is a series of portraits where women mimic 17th Century, cubist, and fifties fashions - only they’re wearing dresses made of cardboard and paper instead of fabric! Swiss-Italian photographer Christian Tagliavini takes complete control of the entire creative process, including making the patterns, constructing the outfits, and photographing the subjects. He aims to invent, create, and ultimately produce innovative images that blend fine art and craftsmanship. Just looking at the details, you can see what a labor of love his method truly is.
I want to look at more into this artist and find out more for my FMP. 

Looking further at the source I found this it has some really interesting art work and designs. Take a look.

 Christian Tagliavini's website.

The Grand High Witches Dress Inspired by this photographer

The Grand High Witch Dress inspired by this post

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