2 December 2011

Aladdin Theatre Experience

For the last week I have been at the Acorn theatre helping with The Young Theatre Company latest performance Aladdin. I have been given the role of stage manager which involves me making sure the tabs (curtains) open and close at the correct time, make sure the correct scenery goes on stage at the right time and turn on rope lights, UV lights and some fake flames go on at the right time. Oh and also make sure that the cast, which includes about 50 children, keeps quiet when they are side stage. I have been at rehearsals Monday and Tuesday I was there 5-9 and then on Wednesday I spent the day at the theatre painting props and then that night was at rehearsals like the first two nights. Last night was there for the technical rehearsal where we all made sure we had the correct cues in the script. 

I am really enjoying it at the theatre but it is pretty stressful making sure everything runs smoothly but I am excited and nervous for the proper shows that start tomorrow and go on all next week apart from Friday.

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