17 November 2011

Big Bad Mouse Theatre Experience

I first went to help out with Big Bad Mouse on Monday 7th November. The set is a office and the stage has been blocked off with wooden panels, so it looks like a room. I helped build one of the panels that night and helped screw the panels in place.

I went to the theatre next on Saturday, got there about 10 and left about 4. I did a lot more today, I first help sort out the blacks that are going behind the panels. I measured the size for each one and cut them out. I will be able to explain this better when I have got a photo. I then helped put some doors in and screwed them place. It was surprisingly difficult to get the door in place to screw it in. I then helped with making a window for a blind.

The play being performed by Dukeries Theatre Group and have a lot more information about what happens in the play.

I don't know the play and sadly I'm not helping backstage either but I am going to see the play tonight and speak to someone about helping out more for the next play they are doing. I was speaking to someone about  a play they are doing next year and it is about an inventor and he wants to design something that waters plants automatically but he didn't make an off switch and at the end of the performance the pipes explode with water going everywhere. A lot more happens in the play also so I would love the challenge of designing this set.

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