8 November 2011

Cornelia Parker

For some years Cornelia Parker’s work has been concerned with formalising things beyond our control, containing the volatile and making it into something that is quiet and contemplative like the ‘eye of the storm’. She is fascinated with processes in the world that mimic cartoon ‘deaths’ – steamrollering, shooting full of holes, falling from cliffs and explosions. Through a combination of visual and verbal allusions her work triggers cultural metaphors and personal associations, which allow the viewer to witness the transformation of the most ordinary objects into something compelling and extraordinary. Lately Parker’s attention has turned to issues of globalisation, consumerism and the mass-media.


Image of: Transitional Object II

  • Transitional Object II, 2008
  • Net, hooks, thread and bags of lead
Image of: Perpetual Canon

  • Perpetual Canon, 2004
  • Flattened brass band instruments suspended
  • Dimensions variable
Image of: Breathless

  • Breathless, 2001
  • Brass musical instruments, flattened
Image of: Alter Ego

  • Alter Ego, 2004
  • Silver plated objects, wire

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