31 October 2011

What is a manifesto?


noun, plural -toes.
a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization.
Example of an Art Manifesto
Crap Art is a new art movement. We're still working out our manifesto, but here are a few of our principles:
1. The practice of art should be primarily explorative, and the creation of art should be discovery rather than invention.
2. Popularly held views about what constitutes art, or what constitutes artistic talent, are elitist and discourage other forms of art and artistic talent from being explored or utilized.
3. The creation of art is more important than its consumption. Therefore, aesthetics (except in the biased eye/ear of the creator) are overrated as a judgment of the worth of art.
4. That which is created rapidly and in high quantities contains more variety and is more likely to be successful/innovative. Applying the 80%/20% "rule": If only 20% of the effort is needed to get 80% of the quality, then spending by spending only 20% of the effort, we can create five times as many artifacts at 80% quality!

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